Medical Spa

Body Contouring (muscle building) truFlex

1 hour

Ready to change your body?

What is the truFlex advantage and the science behind it?

truFlex features Cutera's proprietary Multi-Directional Stimulation (MDS) which provides 3 unique treatment options, replicating intensified muscle contractions, covering the largest treatment area in the body sculpting industry. With the new truFlex + at Luxe Looks Med Spa, we can generate more than 54,000 contractions in just 15 minutes! TruFlex offers personalized treatments based on YOUR fitness level, shape, and goals; which provides you more time doing the things you need to and less time in the gym. Strengthen, tone, firm and increase your muscle mass in your abdomen, buttocks, arms, inner and outer thighs (quads/hamstrings), and calves in as little as 15 minutes. Back pain? Strengthening your core helps to reduce back pain. Want a better booty? Increase your muscle mass to get that firm round rear end. Can’t take those stairs the same? Increase your strength to be able to take those like a champ!

Three Unique Treatment Modes: Each treatment mode will vary in intensity and simulate the body motions of squat, couch and twisting actions.

1. Prep Mode: This mode is used by patients that have been inactive for prolonged periods of time and lack muscle mass and need to work their way into more muscle movement. Creates a twisting motion to warm up, stretch the muscles, and slowly build up a tolerance to muscle contractions. It is used for the first two treatments only and it allows the patient to become acclimatized to the muscle contractions using a twisting motion.

2. Tone Mode: Contracts the muscles, holds it to the point of near exhaustion, and then followed by a period of relaxation. This mode is used to increase strength and enhance endurance.

3. Sculpt mode: Fast, deep, sequential contractions of the muscles. This mode is used to build muscle mass.

How is this different than other muscle sculpting procedures and devices?

• Faster - Up to eight areas can be treated in only 15 minutes for muscle building

• Safer - The unique truControl™ technology in TruBody TruFlex provides safe and consistent muscle building results through targeted, selective, and customizable delivery with less energy needed.

•Effective - Three treatment mode options are available to customize the results to each patient’s goals with bodybuilding or building muscle

• Muscle thickness increase - Clinical studies have shown an average of 30% increase in muscle mass.

• Versatile - Best of all, I can personalize the treatment for different fitness levels, body shapes and goals.  Even if you have never worked out before, we got you!

Flex More…   Gym Less….

Does truSculpt Flex actually work?

In fact, studies have shown that the contractions induced by truSculpt flex are more intense than physical exercise. On average, a 45minute treatment is equivalent to 54,000 crunches and patients can expect a 30% increase in muscle mass after 6 sessions. The truFlex device is approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), meaning it has been assessed by the TGA and its claims are proven and are supported by scientific evidence, so you are assured of its efficacy and safety.

· TruFlex uses up to 16 involves therapeutic applicators placed around the treatment area that provide direct muscle stimulation.

· The truFlex device releases electrical pulses that cause your muscle to fully contract and relax during the treatment.

· The multi-directional electrical stimulation from the applicators makes your muscles move in ways they never have before!

· A truFlex treatment stimulates thousands of full muscle contractions that are more intense than physical exercise.

· The rapid contractions induced by truFlex causes your muscle to increase in mass, strength, and tone.

· Trusculpt Flex has smart technology built in that targets superficial muscles in the treatment area and also the smaller secondary muscles.

· With expert placement of the therapeutic applicators, we can shape and sculpt your muscles in any area of your body.

· Your muscles will continue to grow and burn fat for weeks after the treatment and can help you get that visible “6-pack”.

Am I a candidate for truFlex?

No matter what your fitness level is, you can be a candidate for truFlex. Almost anyone with generally good health, active or non-active individuals seeking to tone, strengthen and develop their muscles focusing on areas of concern, can be a candidate for the treatment. During your consultation, our provider will discuss with you if you are a candidate, based on your lifestyle, diet, health, and medical history.

How long does a treatment take?

Up to eight areas can be treated in as little as 15 minutes!!

How many treatments will be needed?

Remarkable results can be achieved with as little as four treatments with continued improvements up to 3 months. Additional treatments may be required to achieve the personalized results you desire and to maintain those results.

What will the treatment feel like?

As the treatment begins, you will feel a gentle contraction/ tugging sensation and, as the intensity increases, the muscle contractions intensify. The strength of contractions is adjustable to remain comfortable without pain. The stronger the contractions you can tolerate the more effective the treatment.

Is there really no downtime?

TruFlex is non-invasive, requires no recovery time, and patients are able to immediately return to normal activities after the treatment. Post-procedure, patients may notice tingling in the areas treated for up to a few hours and/or slight muscle soreness or tenderness for 24-72 hours.  It will feel like you had a great workout at the gym.

What is the difference between truFlex and EMsculpt?

truFlex uses Bioelectrical Muscle Stimulation (BMS) with multidirectional technology to treat individual muscle groups in a more targeted manner, while the EMSculpt uses Electromagnetic Muscle Stimulation and is not as capable of treating individual muscle groups. TruFlex offers the largest treatment area in the body sculpting industry! One session of the truFlex is equivalent to achieving 54,000 repetitions as compared to EMSculpt which is equivalent to 20,000 manual repetitions. Normally, the EMSculpt increases muscle mass by up to 16% and reduces fat by 20%, while the TruSculpt iD leads to 24% fat reduction and truFlex leads to a 33% gain in muscle mass.

When will the results be visible?

Visible results are seen after the second session with maximum results visible 8 to 12 weeks after the last session.

How long do truSculpt Flex results last?

While truSculpt flex will make a significant difference in your underlying muscle tone, these results will not be permanent without maintenance. Failing to follow a healthy diet and get regular exercise will alter the results of your truSculpt flex treatment.

Can truFlex be used to lose weight?

Although truFlex results in some fat loss since muscle contractions burn fat during the treatment, it’s important to know that the treatment alone is not a weight-loss tool or procedure.

What areas can truFlex treat?

truFlex can treat multiple body areas simultaneously. It can strengthen, firm, and contour or tone your muscles of the abdomen, low back, inner thighs, outer thighs, arms, buttocks, quads, hamstrings, and calves.

Can truFlex be used in combination with other treatments?

truFlex can be used as a stand-alone treatment for those wishing to only improve muscle tone. However, for those that would like to both tone and shape their body, truFlex works well in combination with truSculpt to get the fat reduction and muscle building together. Take a look at the TruBody results on our website.

What areas can truFlex treat?

truFlex can treat multiple body areas simultaneously. It can strengthen, firm, and contour or tone your muscles of the abdomen, low back, inner thighs, outer thighs, arms, buttocks, quads, hamstrings, and calves.

What happens during a TruFlex treatment?

· Before your actual treatment, you will have a consultation with the Physician Associate who will check the area you want to treat. We will determine if you are a good candidate for the treatment and also measure how intense your treatment will be based on your current fitness level and muscle mass.

· On the day of the actual treatment you will come to the clinic on an empty stomach and shaved in the treatment areas.

· The provider will attach conductive gel pads to the treatment areas and then place the applicators over the target muscles.

· Once you are lying comfortably on the treatment bed the treatment will start and you will start to feel the electrical muscle stimulation.

· You will be monitored and we will gradually increase the intensity of the muscle contractions to where you can comfortably tolerate. The treatment time is as little as 15 min minutes and by the end of the session, your muscles will feel you’ve had a rigorous exercise.

· After the session, you may feel soreness but you can continue with your normal activities. We recommend having a meal (do not overeat) and hydrating after a session to help your muscles recover. Stay hydrated to help with your recovery process as your muscles will continue to grow for up to 12 weeks post treatment.

How much does a truFlex treatment cost?

The price of Trusculpt Flex  depends on how many sessions and how many applicators are needed which are determined by you and your provider. 

$400 per treatment (4 areas)- reg $450

Areas can include:



Quadriceps (front of thighs)

Hamstrings (back of thighs)



Package of Four (best outcomes): $1200 ($300 per treatment)

Book your free consultation today: 720-557-0548

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