Medical Spa

Fat reduction with truSculpt iD (body contouring)

1 hour

truSculpt iD is a non-invasive, fat destroying GAME CHANGER!!!!  

First radiofrequency-based device on the market to receive FDA clearance for lipolysis (fat cell destruction).

Whether you’re looking to banish your muffin top/ stubborn love handles, reduce the appearance of cellulite, or tighten and tone your abdomen and thighs, TruSculpt iD delivers phenomenal results through monopolar radiofrequency (rf) energy.

The NEXT GENERATION of fully personalized body contouring with visible fat reduction. FASTER than other FDA cleared fat busting technologies on the market! Clinically proven to be safe and effective by using radiofrequency energy to heat and DESTROY fat cells permanently. Along with fat reduction the RF provides skin tightening- so no saggy skin with the fat loss. The body then expels the remnants of the call cells naturally during the weeks following treatment. QUICK, painless, non-invasive, no downtime, FAT REMOVAL! 

Average of 24% fat reduction, as measured by ultrasound, in each treated area with some patients even experiencing up to 30% permanent fat loss in a single treatment! 7 times faster than Coolsculpting without the uncomfortable massage or more importantly the potential for paradoxical adipose hypertrophy or the dreaded "shark bite." 

Who can get a TruSculpt ID treatment?

TruSculpt iD treatments are for patients who would like to achieve body contouring without surgery. On its own, it isn’t a complete weight loss treatment, however for those who are trying to exercise and change to a healthier diet and want to reach their ideal weight/ body shape, and hit those stubborn fat pockets, it’s perfect. If you have a lot of weight to lose (BMI >30), it’s best (and more cost effective) to focus on a healthy diet and exercise and THEN let TruSculpt assist for those stubborn areas but no BMI is prohibited. Visit Luxe Looks Med Spa for a personalized consultation.

Can truSculpt® iD be used on all skin types?

Yes, this treatment is safe on all skin types and can be completed over tattoos.

How many treatments will be needed?

Patients typically see results after one treatment. However, some patients may elect to have a second or third treatment based off of their initial starting point. Others want final tweaks or treatments on alternate areas.  

What will the treatment feel like?

During treatment, the temperature will slowly heat up and is very comfortable. Most patients comment that the procedure feels like a hot stone massage.

Can I return to normal activities after my treatment?

Yes, this is a noninvasive procedure and you can return to all normal activities immediately after the treatment.

Is there any downtime after the treatment or side effects?

There is no downtime or side effect after this treatment. The treatment area may feel tender following the treatment but this will resolve within a few days.

When will I see results?

After the treatment, your body’s immune system will start to break down and flush out the fat cells that were treated leading to circumferential reduction. Everyone’s body does so at a different rate however, on average, people will see results around 6-8 weeks, with optimal results usually visible at 12 weeks. The more hydrated you are, to help your body flush out the toxins, the faster and more noticeable the results. As with any cosmetic treatment, each person’s results and experience vary.

What is the cost of Trusculpt ID?

The unique and highly versatile handpiece and placement location can treat a single larger surface area or multiple smaller body sites simultaneously. Each patient’s treatment plan is unique, so it’s difficult to provide a specific cost without a consultation. The cost of a treatment depends on various factors:

✓ Specific goals of the patient

✓ Size of the treatment area
✓ Number of treatments needed

During your consultation we can discuss your concerns and expectations. From there, we can develop a personalized treatment plan and provide a quote for the procedure.

Who is NOT a suitable candidate?

· Anyone who wants a quick fix

· Pregnancy

· Anyone who has a cardiac pacemakers or internal defibrillator

· Have metallic implants in the target area that are not removable

· Have benign or malignant tumors in the desired treatment area

Are the Results from Trusculpt iD Permanent?

The results of Trusculpt iD are long-lasting. However, it destroys existing fat cells but can’t prevent new ones from forming or residual ones from expanding. Maximize your results by eating clean and balanced meals, staying hydrated, and continuing your exercise.

Can I Go Back to Work Afterwards?

There is no downtime, aftercare, recovery or restrictions after treatment.

How often can I receive the treatment?

The truSculpt iD device is versatile and treatments take only 15 minutes to complete. We recommend 2 treatments performed at 11-12 week intervals. Some may need two to three treatments for more noticeable results. Chin/ underarm fat may be performed every 4-6 weeks. However, the number of treatments needed, depends on the your specific goals and needs.

Does the Treatment Hurt?TruSculpt iD treatment sessions are short. Each TruSculpt applicator has a plate that warms during the process. Most patients sweat during the treatment and describe the sensation as an intense warmth in the skin, like a hot stone massage. The sensation is not painful to experience and our certified body sculpting expert will adjust the temperature to ensure you are comfortable throughout your treatment.

How Does Trusculpt iD Differ from CoolSculpting?

Both Trusculpt iD and CoolSculpting are effective non-surgical approaches to fat reduction and body contouring. The main difference is that Trusculpt uses RF heat energy to destroy fat cells, while CoolSculpting freezes them via cryolipolysis. With TruSculpt there is no risk of paradoxical adipose hyperplasia or the permanent “sharkbite” indentations as with Coolsculpting. Heating with radiofrequency has the advantage of causing shrinkage and tightening of the skin. Freezing cannot do this. Thus, the truSculpt iD results appear smoother and more even. 


$1200 per cycle- 6 paddles (reg $1500)

Package of 3 cycles: $3000 ($1000 per cycle)

Double Chin (Submental Fat Reduction) or front armpit bulge reduction

truSculpt RF Submental Reduction/ tightening (no downtime) $550 (includes 3 treatments)

Book your free consultation today: 720-557-0548

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